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Anything new and exciting can be found here, including information for events, upcoming features and more!

Be sure to check by frequently to stay updated on the latest happenings here on the site.
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Got questions? Need something answered? Do you have an idea you would like to suggest? This is the place to do it.

Post any questions or suggestions you might have here and an admin and/or moderator will attend to you as soon as possible!

Information Database

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Any information important to the RP, such as mechanics, systems, items and contacts can be found here.

It is essential to read through the rules and basic information within this section to get a proper understanding of the games universe.
Slone Halcourt Avatar
Your characters will be created and posted here.

Please read through the Player Guidebook and write a PC Application before posting anything here!
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All currently available quests and bounties for each of the cities and towns the players have visited will be logged here.

Be sure to refer here whenever you need to catch up on a quest or check progression!

Areas & Instances

The cultural hub of the south. Recudor is the city of all trade and commerce, legitimate or otherwise. With lots of inns and alleys and markets it provides the perfect climate for travelers and locals alike.
Slone Halcourt Avatar
The city of Leirotuet has flourished greatly under the guidance of the Dukes, Guilds and various prestigious families, despite the King's continued absence. Despite it's relatively small size the Moreau family had an Academy built that served as an institute for the research and development of magical spells.
The scavenger's city built on the ancient ruins of the old world. These ruins were swallowed whole by the mountains and are the biggest remaining ruins left on the island. The people of Soiyam are mostly scavengers and traders, and scientists working on salvaging the old world bit by bit and surviving by selling their knowledge and inventions. Soiyam was where the first Protraction Weave was built, by a genius inventor who now works in Global on advancing the world.
What would a good city be without the finest tavern in town. They order ales from all over the country and always have a strong selection of hearty foods to tend to the need of any hungry adventurer or local drunk in great measures.
★|Sayu Avatar
The outlaying wilderness is equally as much full of beauty and nature as it is laden with dangers. Bandits, wild animals and the occasional monsters here or there make for unsafe roads and forests.
thewhiterabbit Avatar
Vehicular transport, whether by land air or sea, is essential for long travels. These are the boats, ships and aircraft used for all kinds of expeditions and voyages.
★|Sayu Avatar
The Moreau Academy was built by a wealthy family of prestigious mages to serve as an institute for researching, studying and practicing magic in the hopes of advancing modern applications of magic. Many flock from far and wide to have a chance at studying here at the Academy... but hushed whispers and locked doors speak of secrets best kept hidden.


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Templates for applications can be found here. Whenever you apply for a position as moderator or a new character make sure to post them in here as well.
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Tales from all of the land can be found here. May it be historic, personal, or otherwise.

Refer to the Player Guidebook for lore and specifics if you are in need of references.

Player Characters backgrounds do not go here unless extensive!


Old, Outdated, or Removed Characters are saved here for future reference and possible restoration. Consider these characters to be "On Ice" and please do not refer to these characters when creating a new Character.
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Old, Outdated, or Removed Posts are saved here for future reference and possible restoration. Consider these posts to be "On Ice" but feel free to refer back to these if you need to.

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