Guidebook Index by ★|Sayu
1. Setting & Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Timeline
1.3 Playable Races
1.4 Character Attunements
1.5 Stats Clarification
1.6 Magic & Technology
1.7 Character Creation

2. Mechanics
2.1 Stat Weights
2.2 Combat Explained
2.3 Skills Inside & Outside of Combat
2.4 Energy & Mana Usage
2.5 Guns & Exotic Weapons
2.6 Martial Arts & Stances
2.7 Summons & Familiars
2.8 Elemental Interactions

3. The World
3.1 Hierarchy
3.2 Regions
3.3 Politics
3.4 Religion
3.5 Known Factions
3.6 The Eastern Continent
3.7 The Northern Continent
3.8 Points of Interest

4. Economy
4.1 Resources
4.2 Currency
4.3 Trade
4.4 Guilds
4.5 Education

5. Society
5.1 Time & Seasons
5.2 Language & Influences of Other Cultures

6. Useful Information
6.1 Discovered Items
6.2 Discovered Enemies
6.3 Discovered NPC & Contacts

1. Setting & Introduction by ★|Sayu
1.1 Introduction

Aeons ago in the year 2079 the modern world fell into chaos and disarray when a great calamity threatened to end the world. A secret organization comprised of mages, priests and demons alike, fought to suppress the catastrophe and the evil mastermind behind it--succeeding only at a great cost.

An indefinable amount of time in the future, humanity has once again risen from the ashes of the now ancient civilization to rebuild society and reclaim the lives lost that day. But things are different now with the sudden awareness that the magic that was once only accessible by a select few has become commonplace in everyday society. Over the following millennium humans encounter all sorts of strange creatures and civilizations, for better or worse, while colonizing and rebuilding society on their side of the hemisphere.

By now the western continent of Glayp’nier has flourished under the rule of humans, some of which had long ago discovered the northern islands and the eastern continent which for the most part work in tandem to create a functioning society.

Magic is now the core of human society. After discovering various ways to harvest and twist wild mana to their will the humans there have built entire economies designed around the use and abuse of magic. Anything that may in the past have been powered by electricity or other more conventional forms of energy are now powered by magic and it’s mana resources.

1.2 Timeline

3000 BC - Invention of Writing, Pyramids, and Domesticated Animals
2000 BC - Discovery of Seafare and Cartography
1000 BC - The invention of the Alphabet, Carriages and Road Networks.
1 AD - The discovery of magic and a new savage species previously believed only rumors: Demons
1095 - First Crusade and the first real large-scale attempt to drive away the demons
1291 - Second Crusade and Disappearance of demons
1500 - First re-emergence of demons and counter actions taken by the church
1600 - Scientific Revolution begins. A world map is commissioned for the first time
1700 - Invention of the adding machine
1800 - Invention of both Steam Engines and Electric Motors
1850 - Industrial Revolution
1900 - Discovery of typewriters and photographs. Second re-emergence of demons
1950 - Demons infiltrate human society under the guise of businessmen, lawyers and politicians
2000 - Public Internet, Computers, Space travel, DNA and Lasers
2027 - World War III
2031 - World Peace achieved
2050 - Third Crusade, this time led directly against the demons
2062 - Invention of fully functioning androids and colonization of the moon, mars and venus
2076 - Calamity discovered
2079 - Earth and Gaea are bridged, the calamity is avoided

???? - Re-emergence of Humans
???? - First few tribes form
???? - Re-discovery of magic
???? - First bigger societies are built comprised of various smaller tribes working together
1 - A new calendar is established
1080 - Protraction is used to boost production of materials and goods
1203 - Necromancy is discovered
1206 - The near divide of society and a war between two halves of society.
1208 - Necromancy is outlawed and the discovery of Hex
1500 - A King and Queen are established for the first time. Humanity is catapulted into an era of prosperity and progress
1502 - Formation of the Royal Order
1600 - Near-eradication of Vescor and the beginning of the war on pagans
1617 - Pagans suppressed and driven north
1670 - Humanity is sling-shot ahead of its progress once more due to a breakthrough in magic.
1673 - Invention of Catalysts
1740 - Discovery of the Eastern Continent
1751 - Unification of military forces on western continent
1768 - Discovery of the Northern Islands
1820 - Relationships established with the Eastern Continent
1900 - Invention of Fabrica and the first Spell-weave
1955 - Relationships established with the Northern Islands
1959 - The Barrier is discovered
2011 - Establishment of the Moreau Tower
2016 - Neogaea Campaign
2021 - Neogaea Legacy Campaign
2023 - Invention of the Aura Quartz Link
2026 - Public opening of the Moreau Academy
2026 - Current time. Neogaea 2 and Skygaea Campaigns

1.3 Playable Races

There are a good bit of humanoid races that have been discovered over the many generations of Gaean history. Some are far more common than others, and few are even met with great prejudice or disdain. Even so, each race has its own integral part to play in everyday society.

Humans - Born from ignorance, faith and persistence, humans make up the majority of the known world. They are fragile and unbalanced but due to their innovative and resourceful nature are no race to be trifled with. Usually putting mind over matter the Humans have braved any and all dangers both in the old and the new world. As the physical embodiment of change and progress they put their skills to the test with a constant thirst for knowledge and efficiency and act as the moving force of the world.
Humans are easily the most evenly divided of races. Most of their abilities and skills compared to other races are very average with their greatest trait usually being their willpower and ingenuity. They are equally open to embrace new ideas and concepts as they are ready to shut down anyone who doesn't conform to their ideologies. Humans are everything in variety that they lack in specialty. As the saying goes; "A jack of all Trades, but a master of none." They have a harder time refining their skills past a certain point which isn't to say they are incapable of reaching great heights but makes it merely a rarity that requires greater efforts.
Though humans are scattered all over the world there are no known subspecies.

Vescor - While by no means the oldest race in existence the Vescor race is just as colorful in variation as in power, being still one of the earliest of races to be found on Gaea. Predators by nature, these corruptions of the human gene are incredibly skilled and often resort to manipulating and deceiving the ones around them. Any variation of the Vescor race is driven by a constant maddening hunger, usually linked to each sub-races own biological mechanics. Even-though they are unable to reproduce they can, in fact, infect humans, and only humans, altering their genes thus passing on the affliction and creating more of their kind. Nowadays they are mostly hunted down on sight by Humans and have thus far rapidly decreased in number, even facing extinction at various points in time.
Vescor are incredible survivors, usually with enhanced bodies and mentality when compared to Humans. Their predatory nature makes them excellent hunters and assassins. Most also have the nearly completely unique ability to enhance themselves further by feeding which is both a necessity and a pleasure for almost all of their people. While by no means desperate, Vescor need to feed in order to keep up their strengths. If left malnourished both their body and mental state rapidly decay until the point of no return. For some subspecies of Vescor that creates a constant need to hunt down and feed on humans or in desperate situations animals. They are easily poisoned through this process and are incredibly vulnerable in even their most powerful states. Vescor often suffer from being outcast from society due to their nature which lead to the development of many weapons, tools, and magics specifically to handle and kill Vescor. Despite that a great number of underground societies have been established by them.
Vescor Subspecies:
Vampire - Enhanced Fire Spells, Shadow Meld, Feeds to Survive, Addiction
Faerie - Shapeshifting, Enhanced Might, Feeds to Survive, No Magic.

Rogue - As an until recently unknown Race there is not much known about these anthropomorphic beings. Ranging anywhere from werewolves and talking animals all the way to humans with vague animalistic features like ears and tails this race is commonly known for their mischievous and often bandit-like behavior, earning them their name. They may not be cruel but they are a very selfish race that thrives on conflict and tries to gain whatever it can by any means necessary. They have only recently been surfacing around the East and are slowly making their way into the west in hopes of finding a new home to call their own as their home was taken by the sea.
Rogues have greatly enhanced physical traits such as their speed, hearing, night vision and even strength depending on their subspecies. Some even have incredible senses, being able to detect someone sneaking up on them from a good while away or catch the scent of a person who had been through a place up to hours ago. Their physical prowess gives them a great advantage in combat and labor and enables them to occasionally perform some superhuman feats. Rogues mentalities are shaped by generation after generation of tradition and instinct. As such they prefer to handle things personally and more often than not through physical means rather than mental ones. In the eyes of a rogue a good book is about as useful as a gun without bullets. Speed, brawn, reflexes and a set of sharp claws however can make a man shape their own future. Their wild nature usually causes them to overreact to certain stimuli and rush into a situation without a good plan. Because of this their greatest strengths can often be turned against them. Over-stimulation of the senses can also affect Rogues in a drastic way, even as far as causing panic or death.
Rogue Subspecies:
Avian - Wind Resistance, Enhanced Arcana, Weak to Exhaust, Weak to Earth
Bear - Enhanced Might, Enhanced Endurance, Weak to Heat, Decreased Agility
Cat - Enhanced Stealth, Night Vision, Weak to Water, Decreased Endurance
Dog - Enhanced Social, Enhanced Endurance, Decreased Accuracy, Decreased Arcana
Fox - Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Social, Decreased Endurance, Decreased Accuracy
Leviathan - Enhanced Water Travel, Resistance to Water, Weak to Heat, Weak to Shock
Lizard - Enhanced Endurance, Decreased Hunger, Decreased Accuracy, Weak to Cold
Monkey - Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Might, Decreased Social, Decreased Arcana
Rabbit - Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Jumps, Weak to Heat, Decreased Endurance
Scorpion - Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Magic Resist, Weak to Cold, Decreased Social
Sheep - Weather Resistance, Elemental Resistance, Decreased Social, Decreased Stealth
Snake - Produces Poison, Heat Resistance, Weak to Cold, Decreased Arcana
Spider - Produces Webs, Cold Resistance, Weak to Heat, Decreased Might
Squirrel - Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Agility, Decreased Endurance, Decreased Might

Succubus/Incubus - Often confused for demons the Succubus (Female) and Incubus (Male) race are creatures from old legends that consume affection and knowledge for a living. In reality they are related to the Angels from old mythology and feed on the lust and desire of other races in order to survive. They are very passive and highly intelligent creatures who live for thousands of years at a time, said to have been around when the old world still stood strong. Only a few of these creatures have ever been sighted. In the early days the infamous Succubus Cyuden'ee has said to been in an open relationship with the leader of the Teyness Mercenaries before her inevitable betrayal and the consequent founding of the military.
Their great intelligence and charm leads Succubi and Incubi to an easy life. Usually they are able to get most of what they want, and their long lifespans help them amass more power and knowledge as the years go on. They are naturally gifted, and posses an incredible knowledge for just about anything. In dangerous situations they can change their appearance to become more menacing or charm an attacker to even the odds. Succubi and Incubi are incredibly weak and fragile. They have next to no endurance and very little fighting potential. Against strong opponents or ones with extreme cunning they are like butter melting in a hot pan. Because of this they are in a constant need to defend themselves and resort to their trickery and knowledge to gain an advantage. Their incredible lust for people and insatiable thirst for knowledge can often become a detriment going as far as causing them to put aside all common sense in pursuit of their interests.
There are no known subspecies to date.

Demon - The fiercest of all the races. Burnt cities and destroyed kingdoms tell the tale of their merciless and destructive nature. Due to their inability to age or decay over time they once lived on the land like all the other races even so far as ruling parts of their own kingdoms, though in a holy war with the Humans they were driven underground by the four sages of the realm. Occasionally a few demons escape their underground prison, the underworld, and roam the land seeking their victims purely for sport. They are just as dangerous as they are varied and should never be underestimated.
Their rather impressive might and magic coupled with their trickery makes them a force to be reckoned with. They prefer to slowly deteriorate their targets over time, relying on conjurations and imagery to terrify a victim before striking. Demons however are not above using brute force and overpowering their opponent with raw strength and strong magics. Each type of demon has its own weakness. However their distinguished aura and dominating presence makes them very easy to track down. Their cocky nature and love for making deals can often become their detriment as a Demons nobility is never to be questioned and their ferocity always generously displayed. They are also extremely weak to Light and Holy magics, as well as blessed weapons and tools.
Demon Subspecies:
Lord - Enhanced Might, Enhanced Endurance, Weak to Holy/Light, Decreased Social
Imp - Enhanced Arcana, Enhanced Speed, Weak to Holy/Light, Decreased Endurance
Devi - Possession, Enhanced Social, Weak to Holy/Light, Decreased Endurance
Wraith - Physical Resistance, Terrain Meld, Weak to Holy/Light, Weak to Magic
Cambion - Enhanced Might, Enhanced Arcana, Weak to Holy/Light, Decreased Social

Alv - There is an incredibly tiny and finite amount of Alvs in the world. Supposedly most are pulled from another world whereas some believe the Alvs are the remainder of an ancient civilization that once roamed the land. They generally keep to themselves and are without exception magically talented. They live incredibly long lives, easily twice that of a human and are well versed in the ways of many kinds of magics due to their innate attunement to the mana flow around them.
Alves are incredible magicians, being able to study a spell and recreate it in record time. They have an incredible supply of energy and can charge heavy spells fairly easily and with little effort. They are one of the few races able to learn many different kinds of magics and develop their own spells and tools. On the flip-side, Alves are incredibly ignorant of other races. They believe themselves superior in skill and intellect which can often lead them to be misinterpreted as selfish and misguided. Additionally without their magic Alves are nothing at all. Their great magical talent comes at the cost of being unable to do even simple tasks as they are not at all used to any kind of physical labor, including as little as cooking. Their magic potential is severely limited by heavy clothing or armor so they prefer to dress light which significantly reduces their resistance and endurance.
Alv Subspecies:
High Alves - Inherited Construction, Enhanced Arcana, Decreased Social, Weak to Shadow
Forest Alves - Inherited Ritualism, N. Poison Resistance, Decreased Endurance, Weak to Fire
Sea Alves - Inherited Navigation, Weather Resistance, Decreased Might, Weak to Shock
Dark Alves - Inherited Magic, Enhanced Arcana, Decreased Endurance, Weak to Light
Voul - Inherited Genetics, Heat Resistance, Common Infertility, Weak to Ice

Dolls - Generally speaking Dolls are Golems created to serve a master in a way similar to necromancy through a lot less volatile. However in recent years Dolls all over the place have seemed to develop thought and a personality of their own usually through the act of binding a soul to their golem construct body. Now these creatures can be occasionally found in villages and cities all over the continent with some working proper jobs and others even joining guilds or groups of bandits.
Dolls are incredibly versatile. Depending on their build they may twist and turn their limbs in ways normal humans cannot. Some can even alter their shape somewhat. Since they are magically bound to their bodies their tolerance for pain is significantly higher than any other race, even as far as some cases where dolls had entire limbs torn off them without as much of a flinch. Their unique bodies let them perform a lot of tasks other races could never think to perform. Due to their nature they can also be repaired.
Depending on what kind of build the Doll is they may be fragile, weighed down, or clunky. There are various different designs, each with their own components and make-up that makes their bodies work. As such they come with many kinds of detriments as well. Rusting, decay, rotting, and other kinds of breakdown can all occur naturally over time without maintenance. As well without certain protection they may be affected more harshly by the natural elements. Their composition is always important when dealing with enemies as well, as heavy weapons may crush metal or shatter ceramic.
Though there are many variations of Dolls you would be hard pressed to label them as subspecies.

Risen - These are beings that have extended their being past the confines of natural life. Things like zombies, skeletons, and liches are all considered Risen, and are subject to the race’s strengths and weaknesses. In most cases, they are exceptionally susceptible to holy magics and things of that nature but are physically resilient. Specific traits can be found within the subcategories of Risen; For example, zombies have a weakness to water and fire while skeletons are more resistant against physical attacks but are more susceptible to magic.
Zombies and skeletons can sometimes retain a fraction of their consciousness, but generally have poor social interactions.
Liches are a specific subcategory of Risen that have their soul bound to a specific object. In order to bind their soul in this way, the mage has to undergo a complex, lengthy ritual which is ultimately completed upon their death. Once the ritual is over, the lich may continue on as they please for as long as their phylactery remains intact. These phylacteries need to be destroyed by a specific and powerful ritual or alternatively, an incredible amount of physical abuse. A typical lich is particularly adept at arcana and social matters, with their physical appearance varying anywhere from skeleton to normal human.
Risen subspecies:
Skeleton - Enhanced physical resistance, Curse resistance, Stunned if smashed to pieces, Weak to magic
Zombie - Bonus endurance after feeding, Heals from poison, Weak to fire, Weak to water
Lich - Regenerates after death, Enhanced Arcana, Takes damage from healing magic, Soulbound to phylactery

1.4 Character Attunements

Every character belongs to one of the six attunements; Arcana, Construct, Chaos, Life, Shadow and Understanding. Each of the attunements represents a category in which the character most excels in. For example a Mage would most likely be attuned to Arcana whereas a Thief would most likely be attuned to Shadow. Keep in mind when designing your character that you cannot be attuned to more than one category.

Arcana - The Arcana attunement is comprised of intellectual magicians and protractionists. These are the sharp minds whose study and traditions keep the art of protraction in the world. They are on the strong side of protraction. People like Elementalists, Witches, Priests, Cultists and Summoners can be considered to be 'Arcana'.

Construct - The Construct attunement is comprised of inventors and scientists of all kinds. These are the people who are slowly but steadily moving technology along its way. They are often associated with crafting. People like Mechanics, Blacksmiths, Tinkerers and Researchers can be considered to be 'Construct'.

Chaos - The Chaos attunement is comprised of warriors and fighters. These are the protectors and slayers of the land, guarding, fighting, raiding and seeking glory in the name of their honor or those they represent. People like Duelists, Warriors, Paladins, Monks, Wetboys, Gunslingers, Riflemen, Hunters, Berserkers and Beastmasters can be considered to be 'Chaos'.

Life - The Life attunement is comprised of everyday people who keep society afloat. These are the farmers and beggars as well as noblemen and merchants who build the foundation of world. People like Merchants, Traders, Workers, Writers, Activists and Politicians, as well as Brokers, Bankers, Innkeepers and Street-rats can be considered to be 'Life'.

Shadow - The Shadow attunement is comprised of the invisible figures guiding and conspiring from the underground. These are the cutthroats and thieves who gather information, spy, and redistribute wealth among the people, namely themselves. People like Thieves, Spies, Infiltrators, Assassins, Detectives and Burglars can be considered to be 'Shadow'.

Understanding - The Understanding class is comprised of the helping hands in society. These are the men and women whose senses are one with the earth and the light. They are a mediation between Arcana and Life, focusing on control, nature, discipline and the spiritual bonds with the world. People like Druids, Shamans, Pagans, Ritualists and Necromancers are considered to be 'Understanding'.

1.5 Stats Clarification

There are eight stats total; Social, Stealth, Might, Endurance, Agility, Speed, Accuracy and Arcana. Each of these serves as a loose guideline as to what your character should be able to realistically do. While you will never able to reference NPC stats you may refer to your own or other characters stats anytime in the Player Characters section.

Social - The ability to understand and interact with other humans or pick up on the finer social queues. Anything from bluffing and lying to reading someone's body-language or haggling on prices can fall into this category. Often associated with Life or Shadow, a character who is socially skilled can make an educated analysis of not only their peers but also opponents. However a character who is not will often fall prey to charms, lies, misunderstandings and other such detriments. Note that being charming is not the same as utilizing a charm. While one is dependant on your social stat the other is a magic spell.

Stealth - The ability to sneak around, steal from people or hide away objects. Anything from hiding in the shadows or catching an opponent unaware to snagging a key or some money off someone in a convenient run-in or even planting an item on someone can heavily be affected by this skill. Often associated with Shadow or Chaos, a character who is trained in stealth can often sneak past most anyone and get rich doing so. However a character who is not will likely find themselves caught by surprise stumbling through an enemy hideout or accidentally revealing a group in hiding. Note that actions such as disarming traps quietly or maneuvering over a trap without setting it off might take other skills into account, such as Speed, Agility or even Arcana.

Might - The physical strength of a character. Any physical action like swinging a sword, kicking in a door or moving heavy objects around, as well as lifting or subduing a person can fall into this category. Often associated with Chaos, a character who is mighty can do a lot of heavy physical activities, in most sense of the word; They're strong and capable all through their physical prowess. However a character who is not very mighty could find themselves easily overpowered by stronger opponents, having to rely on their skills and brains rather than their brawn. Note that might does not solely factor into how tanky a character is. Another skill such as Endurance or Speed may be factored in as well.

Endurance - The natural defensive strength of a character. Any blocking or stressing action can be modified based on the endurance of a character such as; Sprinting long periods of time, hanging off ledges, holding a bow string back or simply taking hits, whether through armor or not. Usually associated with Chaos and Understanding, a character with high endurance would have an easy time putting their body under immense stress without much immediate harm. However no endurance lasts forever and characters who do not share this kind of stat will find it hard to strain their bodies or defend themselves against enemies or terrain. Note that endurance can sometimes but does not always factor in to magical damage.

Agility - The skill to twist and turn and display excellent control and balance over ones body. Anything from dodging fast attacks to balancing on a tightrope or traversing traps and difficult jumps can fall into this category. Often associated with Life, Shadow, Chaos and Understanding, a character who is skilled in agility can maneuver their way around most situation unharmed and with relative ease. However a character unskilled in this stat will have a hard time keeping their balance under pressure and performing acrobatic actions.

Speed - The natural speed, reflex and reaction time, of your character. Any action can be heavily influenced by your speed. The faster you are the faster you can do certain actions, generally leaving you time for more actions or to gain a speed advantage over competition. Generally used on any class, a character who has high speed can take more actions faster than most people. Note that there is rarely a time when speed alone sways a situation to a more favorable one, rather it enhances other activities greatly.

Accuracy - The ability to aim ranged weapons and thrown objects as well as aim specific strikes in melee. Anytime your precision is challenged you may refer to this stat as it decides whether or not you will be able to take a tough shot or throw an object or person a specific way. Generally prized among Characters who rely on precise and focused attacks such as; Archers, Snipers, Fencers, Knife Throwers. Note that ranged combat may take the environment or weather into account.

Arcana - The magic talent of any magician. Various forms of magicians study and practice their whole lives to raise their arcane intellect and skill. Your characters Arcana decides both your magical aptitude as well as knowledge. Any Character who uses magic will require this stat unless the magic is cast through the use of a Spellweave; Gadgets and Weapons imbued with the ability to cast magic whilst absorbing the users life-force or energy from catalysts. Note that casting magic takes time and resources. There are small tricks and utility spells that can be cast on the fly but the bigger the spell the longer it will take to charge and the more it will exhaust the caster.

1.6 Magic & Technology

Supposedly, if you were to believe all the historians, archaeologists and scholars, the ancient humans used raw resources to create energy for their crude machines: Electricity, perpetual motion of wind and water, and even fuels to create great amounts of energy and electricity which their machines and devices then absorbed and processed. In doing so they nearly destroyed their planet well before the calamity ever took root, which ultimately only further helped to bring about their near destruction.
Many believe that the old world's take on technology is far outdated and primitive. Generally thought to be unsafe, the old technology was rapidly rejected and replaced by magic. With far greater control and awareness magic is much simpler, efficient and safer to conjure up and utilize. There is very little need for over-sized machines and heavy maintenance when energy can be found and controlled from all around us. Since its first discovery it has simplified life and boosted the progress and social status of humankind.

In the long lost time of the ancients Technology was controlled by nature. The Sun, Water and Air all drove power into the fragile and uncontrollable technology humans had created. Once the world ending phenomena, Ragnarok, reinvented the world Humans desperately tried to cling to the remnants of the old world and the ancient's technology. Some even do so to this very day. Though many realized the potential of magic and the influence it had on the world very early on. So it was that the first magicians utilized Protraction to draw on the land and use its power in ways the ancients might have, only to greater effect. Over many generations the practices of protraction have helped mankind grow in many ways and with such power under control many other ways of utilizing the magic flow around us has been invented and reinvented.

There are five primary types of magic commonly used in the world:

Protraction, the art of drawing on the power of nearby natural sources such as plants, people, and the sun. Protraction was the first form of magic used by our ancestors to combat the frigid tundra and provide the early settlements with good health and comfort. It is a channeling magic, meaning the magician must actively draw upon the source in order to form a spell. Energy drawn through protraction can be stored in Catalysts that lend the user the ability to draw out spells more quickly and efficiently. It is a basic form of Magic that the majority of humans are capable of channeling but only a third at most can properly utilize. When drawing on protraction the user has usually three basic options; To channel the energy around them through themselves, to channel their own energy out of themselves, or to absorb the energy stored in a catalyst through themselves. Channeling from other sources is the safest method, but also the slowest. Channeling from one's own life-force is dangerous, but faster. And lastly catalysts are essentially like expendable batteries that lend their energy to the user freely without limitations past their own capacity.

Fabrica, a form of magic that relies on spoken and written key-words and phrases generally thought of as a fast and easy way to cast basic spells and incantations. Unlike most magics, the user does not rely on their own magical talent to cast spells but rather is used as a medium for acting out the spell by physical means. There are many schools around the known world that teach this form of magic as even people without much magical capability are able to understand, process, and utilize Fabrica. Small and lightweight incantations are easy to learn and can be prepared for instant use through various means. Stronger spells can from time to time require a lot of set-up and time to work but can last decades.

Spellweaving is a heavy duty magic in which the magicians spend days or months physically weaving intricate spells into items. Being the closest thing to old world technology it was invented on the Eastern Continent in order to make daily activities like farming or writing easier. The almost machine-like constructions to act out simple spells have helped boost many economies but is still very slow to catch on across most of the known world due to its complicated and secretive nature. As of late, Spellweaving and Fabrica as well as Catalysts have been commonly combined to make an overall more efficient design for things like tools and weapons. A Spellweave Rifle, for example, may draw on Catalysts in order to fuel or alter it’s type of effect which essentially replaces the expensive and outdated magazines from the past.

Hex, a modern alternative to ancient witchcraft, is the study of sacrifice and exchange. It is one of the hardest and rarest forms of magic in the known world. Strongly frowned upon by most governing bodies it was outlawed throughout most of the West with only very few still practicing it due to it's potent but chaotic nature. Many believe it's use of tinctures, summons and effigies for harmful reasoning cause pandemonium and disease for any around it, including the wielder. Although fully proven there are the occasional few who are willing to brave the dangers and rise against the system either for the sake of expanding their horizon or simply for revenge. However a Hex can be used for beneficial boons or good fortune as well. The process, regardless of its intention, usually involves a ritual alongside an item of great importance which will be sacrificed to empower its effects. The more emotional value is placed on an object the more powerful it can make a spell.

Necromancy, the removal and binding of souls, is a forbidden art usually used exclusively with malicious intent. The concept behind it is to bind the souls of the departed to inanimate objects or corpses in order to empower and control them. Necromancy is very difficult to learn, let alone master, due to its rare practice and fatal effects on both the user and the souls trapped by them. There is no common knowledge on necromancy though many believe that if the host of a soul is destroyed without purification the soul forever haunts the world, tied to whatever location it was summoned to.

When making a character who utilizes magic, try to keep in mind the style you want to use and apply it to a type of magic that will work well with your idea. Most anything can be done, even if sometimes limited. For the most part even the most original ideas should fall into these categories though there may be currently undiscovered types of magic out there that have yet to be added.
In many areas of the known world magic is tamed passively by the people it surrounds. There are differently sized collections of magic energies flowing about that enhance the use of certain types of magic, most notably protraction. Humans tended to build cities around them to make use of the lands potent energy flow. On the flip side however there are places where humans may never settle down and where the magic is so untamed and wild it causes sickness, both of the mind and body. Attempts to make use of such energy has been made by many people across many generations and always ended with fatal consequences. Indeed the energy of wild magic is so potent that it can cause the physical manifestations of a person's innermost fear to rise and wreak havoc and destruction. One such case ended in the ruin of an entire ancient city when the head of an otherwise peaceful vampire clan fell into madness and, consumed by his fears, involuntarily summoned thousands of terrors upon the city.

Natural minerals and resources can act as Catalysts when processed; usually in the form of uncommon gems such as sapphires or emerald and diamonds.

Built on the concept of Batteries from the old world, Catalysts can be charged and used as energy packs to supply more energy to the person or weave it is coupled with. For humans it can come in the form of Accessories or fitted onto clothing or weapons, and a magician can draw on the Catalysts power in order to either cast more efficiently, or reduce the cast time of a spell. Catalysts can also be stuck in or around Spellweaves, sometimes permanent, and sometimes interchangeable, dependent on design and function. Charging Catalysts can be a simple or advanced task, based on what type it is and how fast the user wishes to charge the Catalyst.

There are some dangers that come with the use of catalysts. Natural energy, like soul, spiritual or elemental energy, replenishes overtime. So by charging certain types of Catalysts, there is a danger of overcharging them which can cause anything from minor to major effects in the world.

Certain materials like Gold and Platinum can also enhance the effects of catalysts whereas others like Silver act as a barrier to ward off Protraction to some degree, similar to the way rubber insulates against electricity.

Magic can be detected as well, however it is a fickle thing and while it does leave a trace behind it can be anything from a strong scent or an emotion anyone can feel, Like in the case of recently performed necromancy, to a soft and subtle whisper that only the masters of the arcane arts can pick up on.

The stronger the magic spell last cast was the stronger the residue it leaves behind. Most people cannot track this unless it is an incredibly masterful spell cast with sufficient amounts of training. However people who are more in tune with the arcane arts may find they are able to feel spells a slight bit easier. Naturally a character can undergo training sometime in his or her life to hone this skill, but it gets significantly easier the higher their mastery of the arcane arts is. When it comes to tracking magic the situation gets exponentially more complicated. From the first moment a spell is cast what is left over quickly dissipates and spreads throughout the area eventually becoming too thin to pick up. A lot of people who can sense magic can not track it due to the confusion brought about by this. However, once again, after training and with a high arcana skill a character may be able to track magic up to a certain degree depending on conditions. Though with the recent evolution in magic one must always keep in mind that there are spells, albeit never large ones, that are designed to be untraceable unless by an absolute expert.

1.7 Character Creation

It's time to build your character! In order to keep a reference on hand you will have to fill out a character application that will, after approval, be turned into a character sheet and displayed on the forum for everyone to see and refer to. There are very few rules regarding character creation but just in case; you will be taught about each section of the character sheet. There will be a number of things to consider when crafting your character and it is recommended you read through some of the other characters or talk to the other players to maybe figure out a way your characters will be able to work together well. Remember! Teamwork will be an essential part of the game, so you may as well build your characters around that concept. Try to shy away from solo-play characters as they will not work very well in a group! You'll want someone who can compliment the other characters in some way, even if not exclusively. Keep in mind all the information in the guidebook when creating your character as you can freely refer to it anytime. The lore and concepts can help add a lot of detail to your character and shape their personality and ideals.

We'll now be looking into a good bit of the character application. It's fairly simple to set up so by reading through this guide carefully you should have no problems doing so at all. The character sheet consists of only a few sections; Characters Name, Quote, Personality, Combat Preference Base Stats, Traits, Biography as well as any remaining details and Inventory.

You can use any image you wish to represent your character's physical appearance. You will be submitting them alongside the rest of your details. After approval the Administrator will set your character's avatar as an image that will be displayed next to posts (Unless you have already done so yourself) and on your character sheet. Make sure to keep things safe for work, as the host of the forum does not allow any brash nudity or explicitly violent images.

Assuming you have a good grasp of the different races, classes, magics, stats, and so on and so forth, you're finally ready to put everything together. Make sure you post your character idea in the Character Application section and not in the Player Character sections, as those are reserved for approved and active characters only.

Make sure you make note of anything that you think will be important for your character. There isn't such a thing as "too much information", although keep in mind that some info may or may-not be condensed in the final sheet.

Here are some things you'll want to think about;
Name, Age, Race (Subrace) and Gender
Characters Attunement, Class and Profession
Appearance and Load-out Descriptions
Background and general Biography
Positive and Negative Traits
Character Info and Stats

When writing your traits, try to pick no less and no more than four per category; Positive and Negative. Additionally when writing your traits try to keep them to 1-3 words instead of full sentences as they will not fit on the final character sheet and can be incredibly hard to condense. Examples of these could be traits like; Paranoid, Dependant, Overconfident, Strong Willed, Cautious, Determined, and so on and so forth.

When picking your stats keep in mind the aforementioned stat weights. You may distribute your stats from a total pool of 32 points, each equalling one level spanning from 0 to a maximum of 10. Try to consider what will make sense for your characters race, subrace, attitude, background and so on. While there are always exceptions to the rule you and others may find yourself enjoying a more lore friendly character. Synergy is and sacrifice are very important as well; If you want to make a character who excels at physical combat there is nothing preventing you from also having a high social or arcane stat. However your character will simply not be able to cover every angle in a field of expertise. If you choose to make a more evenly balanced character you should be aware that while they can do a little bit of everything they will never be incredibly skilled at either without the help of items or buffs acquired ingame after character creation. Likewise if you make a character who does something very specific you may want to invest in the appropriate skills and sacrifice some other options in return.

Make sure to consider other characters when you create yours. While having two or three similar characters might not be a bad thing you may want to try and make yours as unique as possible. Consider their traits, personalities, backgrounds, and general role. Some characters will focus more on melee combat while others will be socially skilled or perhaps even magically adept. There are a great number of archetypes and original characters you can come up with given enough time and thought.

If you find yourself in need of special mechanics when developing your character's style these may be considered for future implementation, however try to rely on the options currently available in the game as adding new ideas and mechanics can sometimes cause balancing issues.

When your character is fully finished, fleshed out and to your liking, feel free to post it in the character applications. Admins and Moderators as well as other Players will evaluate your character and give you their opinions. Once approved your character will automatically be added to the Player Characters section. If declined you may have to work further on it or try something different, though we will try our best to make your fantasies come to life.

Now that you are all set and well on your way to getting started playing consider reading up on the rest of the games mechanics, lore, and intricacies.

2. Mechanics by ★|Sayu
2.1 Stat Weights

There is a time when making your character or even playing the game where you stop and think to yourself; "How does this work?". Some skills and abilities or status effects may not be completely clear as you reflect back on your characters abilities and mechanics. You will be able to find some general clarifications for stat weights here. Some may be what you expect but others may be nothing like it. Take the time to read through here so you can get a better idea of what you are looking at either with your own character or others. Keep in mind that for the most part enemies are not excluded from this list.

Using the Social stat as an example; When it comes to balancing out your characters there is one skill that is always weighed out the heaviest. The Social skill. Sometimes you may find that you have to reduce your characters social stat to an all time low in order to keep their other skills pronounced and strong. But keep in mind that this can and will affect the way your character will interact with the world.

Your character can always say whatever he or she wants. It is up to them what verbal action they will take and what kind of atmosphere they are trying to emit. But ultimately your Social stat will definitely affect the way something is picked up. For example; One persons "Bravery" is anothers "Idiocy". You could find yourself trying to win someone over by talking to them in a certain manner and failing. Maybe a guard is in your way and you are trying to be discrete and silver-tongued whilst slipping him a small coin purse. To your character this may seem like a smart way to go about things but a low social stat may cause the guard to misunderstand your intentions, or misread your attitude, become defiant or worse.
Using arcana to try and cast a charm or a weakness may help contribute or take away from your interactions, the same with something like stealth. Objects, information and appearance may also greatly affect your social interactions.

There are modifiers for practically everything as you would imagine. Some exclusive knowledge your character has. Perhaps a bribe. Or getting on the characters good side through favours or flattery.. Anything like this can give you a buff to your social interactions with other characters. However there are equally as many things that could act as a detriment, especially with a low social skill.

Try to keep this in mind when making your character as this may be relevant in the future to avoid a fight or gain easy access to an otherwise exclusive area.

Another example could be Stealth; Imagine your character has a fantastic stealth attribute. You are invisible, hiding around a corner unseen. A man walks past you... Surely your chance! But suddenly he has noticed you and is now charging you, sword drawn and everything. What went wrong?

Your stealth skill will indeed act as your base modifier for any kind of sneaky action. Whether you are trying to be quiet to sneak up on an enemy or you are walking across a busy street trying to stay unnoticed by anyone. There are some things to consider. Most people's demise comes from thoughtlessness and assumptions. Just because you are sneaking around doesn't mean no one can see your shadow. Walking past a light source in a way that causes your shadow to fly past a door or extend down a hallway will surely be noticed by anyone paying at least some attention. Your breathing may give you away also. And if you are using some form of cloak or invisibility always remember; You still cast a shadow. Just because you are invisible does not mean light passes through you completely.

Likewise when hiding you should consider what you know of your opponent and what he knows of you. Chances are a guard will not simply pass by a convenient hiding spot without a good reason. Either a noise or some sort of trail left for him could be enough of a distraction but otherwise he will look into hiding spaces and may even find you. To that end always think about what you use as a hiding location and how you choose to hide.

Lastly if you are trying to steal from someone, always consider the size and weight of the object you are stealing. A few coins may go unnoticed but if you try to lift their dagger off them they will definitely notice the difference in weight shifting on their side without sufficient distraction.

The last example could be your Might; Physical strength alone can do plenty for you. But imagine lifting an extremely heavy object. Your character may have the strength to do so but will they have the endurance to continue to do so or begin moving about with it? Perhaps the swing of a blade. Your character may be strong but when fighting a more active or agile opponent you may have to factor things in such as your speed or accuracy. Especially when trying to counter an opponent things like your Social and Accuracy stats will be key to enhancing your physical performance.

2.2 Combat Explained

During combat, things can get very hectic and sometimes a player won't know what they can and can't do and what's easy to get away with, or what would seem like abusing the system.

Combat is divided into two phases, Action and Defense phases. During the Game Master’s post the enemies will have a chance to take their turn based on their own hidden stats, traits and personalities. Things like counters and player actions or mess ups will be take into account here too. After this the players characters may take actions in their respective posts.

It's important to realize that your character isn't always able to move a lot or act out many actions in just a few seconds. In a metaphorical sense; "you're only human." meaning your character can't realistically do too many things at once or take full advantage of every situation, at least not without some serious drawbacks or risks.

Speed can factor into this at times, allowing some characters in special circumstances to take early or faster actions, perhaps even more actions in a turn. For example if you play a really slow heavy character, chances are you won't be able to do all too much but generally are rewarded in raw strength or stamina and the likes. On the contrary if you're playing a very agile and nimble character you will likely be able to do a few things before your turn should start to come to an end and usually at the cost of other features. Though it is understandable that some may have troubles finding a healthy stopping point for their posts try to give other characters and mobs a time to react.

Likewise if you find yourself in a situation where you are making a definite, strong action, say attempt to kill a mob, or block an incoming heavy attack or something wherein another character would need to be able to react, you may have to think about ending your post then and there.

You might also be thinking; "It's no good to write such a small post." and while it is encouraged you add a lot of detail and descriptions, small posts are generally perfect for combat. Sometimes you will just find yourself with only one single small action, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction, thus your enemies won't have much to react to and be forced to become creative or hasty at increased chance of failure or accidents.

Should you find yourself having to skip a turn, whether you didn't post in time or simply don't have the time to post, could make your character subject to vulnerability depending on the circumstances they find themselves in. Usually the Game Master will come up with some reason or other why your character decided not to act in combat, occasionally with the help of other players. But unfortunately enemies can't simply ignore you when you are skipping a post during combat. Fortunately though, in normal circumstances another character can cover you, or at least you will never succumb to drastic injury let alone death because of skipping turns. That being said if you try to abuse this safety net your character will still run into serious trouble because of it.

Needless to say NPC should be controlled as little as possible, if at all, during combat especially. Chances are whatever you have in mind for an NPC is not what the Game Master may have planned or something that aligns with the NPCs thought process and personality. Likewise if you are going to move an NPC at all it should only be during an interaction sanctioned by the Game Master such as Counters, grapples or successful charms and the like.

Just like mentioned in the above sections, if a definite action including an NPC or another Player occurs, the post should in most cases be ended then and there, to give the NPCs enough time to make their own decisions. Whether they fall into traps, jukes, or other maneuvers should be based on how well you act out your character during combat, not on deciding that it will be so.

Combat has to come to an inevitable end eventually. Should the characters force enemies into an inescapable situation, or death, combat will end. Negotiations can also be held but require a lot of finesse and social skill. Players are given the right to remove the combatant out of play for the remainder of a fight, or kill them off permanently, if the situation warrants it.

Characters in combat will be labelled, if not by name then by a tag such as “Fighter 1” or “Mage 3” in order to keep track of all the units on the battlefield.

2.3 Skills Inside & Outside of Combat

Certain abilities and spells may act differently in and out of combat for the sake of balancing. For example while a Charm spell may do whatever it needs to for story reasons it might not be nearly as effective in combat, especially not against an opponent that is actively trying to kill your character. Likewise there are skills that can be used more frequently and perhaps even to more effect outside of combat, say lighting a fire or burning down an obstacle, because of much of the same reasons. Try to keep these situations in mind and be aware that you simply will not be able to abuse certain mechanics or abilities in combat. Creative play however will always be rewarded.

2.4 Energy & Mana Usage

When casting a spell, especially for channeled abilities, your character will always exhaust part of their energy supply. The stronger a spell is and the more magnitude it carries with it the more exhausting it will become for the caster. Eventually your character may find themselves pushing too hard and this could have various drastic effects on them. In a more milder situation the caster in question may simply lose all their energy and maybe even faint but if continuously pushed too hard, especially with the assistance of strong catalysts or links with other characters, they may contract protraction sickness. This kind of sickness can have a wide array of effects on the character’s health ranging from mental issues such as tiredness or hallucinations to physical ones like rashes, wounds, alterations of physical features or even death.

2.5 Guns & Exotic Weapons

Guns are primarily magic based. Often Spellweave Guns may make use of catalysts in the shape of various sized rods to empower or alter the projectile of the gun. More expensive catalysts are often rechargeable while cheap ones tend to be not only weaker and with less charge but could potentially break after too much use. There are other exotic weapons that may make use of catalysts or other magic technology in order to alter its use or appearance.

In contrast to common guns, there are old world weapons that rely on extremely expensive explosive-type ammunition. These weapons and their physical rounds, while hard to produce, can have their uses but are generally considered collectors items.

Reloading either of these depends on the type of loading system the gun has but generally takes a whole turn to do so be wary of how how many shots you should have left and when your catalyst or magazine are about to run out.

2.6 Martial Arts

Many martial arts rely on stances and positioning, focus and understanding to get the most out of your strikes. Changing stances is often designed to be a fluid motion but can result in the end of a turn depending on the circumstances.

2.7 Summons & Familiars

Familiars and other summons cannot be easily brought forth and must be channelled for several turns in order to enter combat unless it is specifically summoned ahead of time. All summons are temporary and cannot be held in the world forever. Depending on the level of arcana and endurance the summoner has the time between a familiars initial summoning and its disappearance varies. Either way they put a continuous strain and energy drain on the master.

2.8 Elemental Interactions

The elements would interact in the way you would expect, for the most part. Even magic to some degree. Fire that comes into contact with water will turn into steam, or smoke, and eventually be overpowered by it. Water that is struck by electricity becomes electrified and so on and so forth.

3. The World by ★|Sayu
3.1 Hierarchy

In society, the balance between Chaos and Order are a life defining aspect of its people. Every continent has its own way of governing themselves and keeping order, as well as dealing with the challenges and situations they have to overcome as their population grows and advances. In Glayp'nier the lands and people are ruled by the King and Queen and their Adviser, based on a system described in ancient texts, only here the King isn't chosen by the gods, but by his people, for his hard work and efforts.

At the very top of the hierarchy are the King and Queen of Glayp'nier.
The Prince and Princess are just one tiny step below that being not quite fit to rule but deserving the respect of the Royal Family.
One step lower you will find the Dukes, each with their own part of the country assigned to them that they rule over. Each region acts as a contributor of resources or services to the rest of the country.
Barons, Marquis and Lords are the last step before Counts and Nobles who together rule the various Guilds and Cities.
The Military and Guards as well as religious authorities are on a separate playing-field entirely, with varying amounts of authority over other tiers.
All together these forces lead and govern over the civilians of the kingdom.

3.2 Regions

There are seven major regions each governed by their own Duke and various Guilds: Tith, Fayanway, Dechant, Furiar, Sensous and Novernin as well as the four outlying islands; Nebag, Riktun, Silver, and Joyas

Tith, to the far north of the continent, houses its capital of the same name. The city was once a trading city like Recudor, but built on tradition as it was a fishing village. It became a popular hideout for thieves and assassins but was taken by the pagans during a religious war and has since then been Occupied. The Duke Hullhan who ruled over Tith was a man who strongly believed in technological advancement and thus was a big supporter of the scientists in Global and the military of Teyness. He was executed by the Pagans and his head hung from the arch of the main gateway. The Pagan Resistance is comprised of purist magicians who worship nature and the old ways and despise technology, believing it to bring about an unnatural way of life that will lead the world to ruin. They are split into various different factions and don't pose much of a threat these days after the war had ended, but constantly harass the outlying cities and villages, claiming more and more land for themselves. The region itself is wildly overgrown with nature having taken back most of the cities and villages over time. The resources available there are currently largely unknown.

Dechant is the center of the continent and houses both the Teyness Military Colony as well as the capital of the Country; Global. It's the most technologically advanced region and contains the richest and biggest cities in all of Glayp'nier. It is a hub for Science and Development. It also harbors the King and Queen and their Adviser who govern the rest of the kingdom. The people who live there live a wealthy life and cherish progress above all else. Global is under the protection of Teyness and the Royal Order who are sometimes at odds with one another.
The military colony within Dechant used to be home to a mercenary guild which in later years became a large military force, governed by many different leaders over the time. Currently it stands in contract with Global, protecting it from the Pagans and Bandits that roam the area and acting as the countries military power. The people in Teyness are hard-headed and Proud folk, ranging from mercenaries, to warriors, mages and soldiers. Most of its population is comprised of people who are able to fight and those willing to support them. The city itself is built on top of a massive prison and mining complex, where prisoners work to supply the continent with mineral resources.

Nebag was once a mining colony, inhabited by a great deal of people. It was home to the second biggest city, inhabiting an entire island to the brim. The island to this day holds many resources and much gold, but is seldom visited. A long time ago an artifact from the old world crashed from the heavens, destroying a good third of the island. The artifact carried a disease that slowly spread among the people and turned them into bizarre and odd creatures, giving them strange powers but claiming their sanity as this progressed. The island is uninhabited aside a few secure locations used to this day to mine for resources. It also holds a small colony of sprisoners where people are sent to dig for resources for Global and Teyness, earning their freedom while slowly being destroyed by the disease.

Furiar, the Farmers domain, hosts its capital of Na’Hog. They used to be an independent bunch but have long since been claimed by the King to supply the island with food. They work closely with the traders from Recudor but are trying to reclaim their independence from the Kingdom.The people who reside there are hard working and close-knit. Believing in tradition and festives and a healthy lifestyle without politics or war. While farms and crops can be found all over the continent, the land within Furiar seems almost blessed with good fortune and high yields of goods.

Sensous on at the western coast is home to Soiyam, the scavenger's city built on the ancient ruins of the old world. These ruins were swallowed whole by the mountains and are the biggest remaining ruins left on the continent. The people of Soiyam are mostly scavengers and traders, and scientists working on salvaging the old world bit by bit and surviving by selling their knowledge and inventions. Soiyam was also where the first Spellweave was built, by a genius inventor who has long since passed on and whose apprentice now works in Global on advancing the world.

Novernin to the southern coast houses the main trading city and cultural hub of Glayp'nier; Recudor. With a massive population the city expanded to the shores, and has become the main harbor for foreigners to dock and trade. The city isn't exactly wealthy but there are many riches and much fame to gain for the average tradesman or traveler. Often times the ctiy is a big attraction for people all over the world as Glayp'niers cultural hub. Recudor hosts most of the festivals outside of Global and Na'Hog, and has many attractions for travelers, entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Fayanway to the east is home its capital of Leirotuet. While in the past merely a wealthy city it has flourished greatly under the guidance of the Dukes, Guilds and various prestigious families, despite the King's continued absence. Despite its relatively small size the Moreau family had an Academy built that serves as an institute for the research and development of magical spells.

3.3 Politics
About roughly eighteen years ago, from our current time, a faction of magic purists stepped into the light. Making themselves known as the Pagan Resistance, they threatened governing bodies to stop seize expansion and development of the technology, seeing it as far to dangerous and corrupt compared to the magic they had been given by the gods after what they call the great reawakening. After the continued research, development and construction of technology, both with Protraction and without, the Pagan Resistance announced war against all neighboring factions who opposed them. They had begun to raid villages, stage attacks of terrorism on cities and newly built factories, and had even taken over a good bit of territory. The army of Teyness along with the Church of the Eye eventually beat them back which resulted in a a treaty. The Pagan Resistance has mostly been dissolved since then, as far as the populous is concerned. Occasionally rumors of attacks, however, continue to appear throughout the kingdom.

Meanwhile, the rumors of a strike between Na'Hog and Recudor has been largely confirmed as with the increasing foreign population demand and, consequently, prices have gone up substantially. Wages and trades have gone down in equal measure, leaving the farmers to fend for themselves financially. Claims have arisen that Na'hog has received no support from either Global or Recudor, and as of recent, the Duke has disappeared, leaving his wife to govern the land.

3.4 Religion

With each of the surfacing religions come one or more variety of gods that uphold all kinds of tasks. As the population on Glayp'nier grew a few of such religions have solidified themselves as the norm all around the continent. Whether they are based on a real deity that governs them or are a mere fabric of the imagination is a matter of belief varying from person to person.

The Eye has been the main religion on Glayp'nier for as long as people can remember. The Church of the Eye believes in a goddess called the Seraph that watches over them and answers their Prayers. A lot of their beliefs follow the old-world Christian system under the guidance of the Seraph. Followers of the Eye believe that other religions are paganism as there can only be one True God and for them it is the Seraph. Many people have said to have received premonitions and messages from the Seraph, or even seen her in the flesh, but to this day there is no physical evidence of the goddess to be found. Still, the Eye follows their beliefs with conviction and without doubt and has even waged wars against other religious groups in the past. The Seraph is said to have the ability to bless her followers with wisdom, insight, and holy power and has protected the ancient tribes. It is believed that she will hand-pick those who she believes to be righteous to cleanse the land of any evil and secure the Eye as the one true religion.

The Seekers are a group of paladins handpicked by the Church of the Eye as an extension of its executive will. Deployed across Gaea with the backing of the Church and its assets, these knights seek to fulfill their assigned task as if it was directed by Seraph herself. Because of their religious affiliations, their presence garners a varied reception from the people of Gaea. Followers of Seraph look positively upon their paladins and will offer assistance in most cases, while others dislike or even abhor them, such as the Pagans. In receiving Seraph's blessing, the Seekers are a prime target of some of Gaea’s more detestable monsters, namely demons. Although they’re trained to deal with said demons, it's not uncommon to hear of the stalwart defenders of the Eye succumbing to more powerful demonic foes.

The other somewhat prominent religion in the west is based on a legend of a Goddess called Chinatsu who was supposedly responsible for humans falling in love and the health of their children. Chinatsu however was said to be an abusive goddess, making a man fall in love with a beautiful woman and marrying her only to take his wife and children from him or causing stillbirths just to see how the humans would react. Anytime the other gods tried to intervene she excused her actions under the guise that this was all part of her plans to build a stronger more fruitful bond between people. Eventually she was set up by some of the other gods and a flaw in her excuses gave the gods enough reason to destroy her. One of them, however, decided that death was no solution and that the only way for Chinatsu to be truly punished was to live out a mortal life and fall prey to the same evils she had sown for generations. Deciding this was the best course of action she was stripped of her power and status and now travels all around Glayp'nier every year to repent for her sins against humanity.
The Huli Temple is a massive temple to the north east of Glayp'nier where monks and shrine maiden worship the supposed reincarnation of Chinatsu.

3.5 Known Factions

Over the course of time many factions as well as social and religious groups have come together all throughout the continent of Glayp'nier. Some have their best in mind while others may wish for nothing but mischief. Working together or apart these factions aim to complete their goals and occasionally support one another through whichever challenges are in their path, whether good or bad. On the other hand other factions would rather remain hidden to instead pursue their beliefs and wants outside of the view of observing eyes.

The Royal Body is lead by the King and Queen and their Royal Adviser and contains the Royal Family, Royal Guard, and various smaller political groups, as well as the dukes and duchess', barons and baroness' of the land.Little more than a generalized group, reserved for only leading members of the continent, the Royal Body governs most of Glayp'nier and its outlaying islands. They are the ruling force of most cities and areas and act as the guiding force of the people on Glayp'nier. The bloodline of the Royal Family is said to contain the powers of the gods, with the King being the medium of those gods. The Royal Family has passed its duties along strictly within the family for generations, there-while never once failing to produce a worthy heir to the throne, who is selected by the gods to be King past his father and rule the continent.

The Teyness Military was Initially a band of thousands of Mercenaries,and has since grown into the single biggest military force on the continent. Instated and absorbed by the Royal Body they now act as a military and police force to protect the continent from all kinds of dangers. There are rumors that they sometimes conduct special exercises in and around the continent. In the past, the Teyness Military has been at war with the Pagan Resistance, dubbed so by the Church and Military officials. Though initially varied, the religious beliefs of Teyness have over time converted to the same values and beliefs the Royal Body and the Church of the Eye holds; following the same goddess and religion.

The Pagan Resistance is believed to be full of non-believers, cultists, devil worshipers and criminals come together to form a paramilitary group against the Royal Body and the Teyness Military. Often confused for a group of crazed bandits and sects, the Pagan Resistance has taken over numerous cities around the continent, re-building their numbers slowly and steadily.
After a great war they were beaten back by the Teyness Military and have since been dormant, keeping to their own cities and regions, though tensions are still high and reports of numerous occasional assaults still come in from time to time.

The League of Assassins is nothing more than a rumor, really, and are suggested to be a group of legendary assassins that roam the continent strategically taking out high-key targets. Many unsolved murders are blamed on this rumor and some bandits will claim to be part of the League of Assassins, though this has so far always proven to be nothing more but a hoax or some cry for attention. No evidence of any real League of Assassins existence has ever come to light, and what little investigations crop up always lead back to the rumor being nothing more than folklore and scapegoats.

The Harvest Community Party, with most of their members being farmers and traders from Na'hog and Recudor, follows their goal to create a self sufficient Region, that doesn't have to rely on the other guilds and the Royal Body for support in their daily lives. There have been political tensions between the HCP and the Trader's Guild in Recudor for a long time, as the both rely on one another for trade and survival. By now the HCP is even in conflict even with the local Farmer's Guild who in turn believe they should work with the other guilds to build a sustainable and fruitful economy together.

The Crimson Claw is a notorious group of outlaws and bandits, taking their origin from Na'hog. Initially the Crimson Claw started as a group of extremists, seeking to oppose the Royal Body and the Trader's Guild and protesting for the sake of better treatment and respect as well as supplying a way for the people of Na'hog to stand up against the government bodies. Their motives and beliefs have long since been scrambled, and the Crimson Claw mostly acts as a raiding party, occasionally raiding villages or stealing valuables from the main cities. They are relatively few, and they don't have much of a presence, though they have been growing in numbers as of late.Rumor has it the Recudor Underdogs and the Crimson Claw have formed an alliance together.

The Recudor Underdogs were originally a high-society black market formally known as The Fine Print Society and have been making a living by selling illegal goods, services, and information in and around Recudor, sometimes even selling a guilds secrets to other guilds. The reputation of the underground society has fallen in the last couple of years, and they desperately act as a supplier for anything, to anyone who has enough money. The group has been losing more and more members ever since the new Duke inherited Recudor when his father passed away. With the new laws and the militia making the prospect of more legal activities over police raids seem like a good alternative to such a dangerous lifestyle. Rumor has it the Recudor Underdogs and the Crimson Claw have formed an alliance together.

The Militia was a small and rather unique group of militants who had their origin as the Recudor Militia, acting as a guiding force for Mercenaries and want-to-be Guardsmen. They made business handing out bounties, supplying their missions in hopes of keeping sanctioned parts of the city safe. The group has been steadily growing and now offer these services all across the continent in all the major cities and as of late some of the bigger villages.

The Church of the Eye is the biggest religious body on the continent. With the exception of a few sub-belief systems most followers of the church believe in a god-like entity described as a seraph angel who guides all living things. They own a sizeable task-force of skilled mages and demon hunters but generally do not openly believe in unnecessary violence.

The Royal Order of Knights was established two years after the monarchy on the continent of Glayp’nier by the King of that time. These knights were handpicked by the king to secure the future of Glayp’nier’s prosperity and it's government. The knights are chosen for their skill, intelligence, and ability to complete even the most daunting tasks. Assigned to one particular mission at a time, the knights complete their objectives, with little regard for most laws. Their feats spread throughout the country, giving the position a considerable amount of prestige amongst the commonwealth. Some people however, view the Order in a negative light; seeing their various shortcomings as a sign that their stature is undeserved. In recent years the current king has become more reclusive. As such, recruitment falls mostly on the knights themselves or to a much lesser degree, applications.

The Moreau Family is a prestigious family of extremely talented mages who have dedicated their lives and the lives of their future generations to improving all magic in the world and creating a bright future for humanity. In recent years their discoveries and inventions have nearly catapulted humans on Glayp'nier into a new age of magic-technology. This breakthrough warranted the opening of two large towers and an academy dedicated to the study and teachings of next level magic.

3.6 The Eastern Continent

The continent of Ao Diago has a rather troubled history. It was the late emperors belief that the east should be united under one banner, however it were his methods that set him apart from his son; the new emperor. While the old empire strived for unification by free will and contract the new empire believes in a more forced approach. Ever since the late emperors passing the empire has raged war on the rest of the continent slowly taking over more regions every day. The resulting mass exodus of easterners fleeing to the north and west has created it’s own conflicts within other countries.

3.7 The Northern Continent

The continent of Kakushi Tengoku is a small collection of islands surrounding an island-continent that mostly keeps to itself. The amalgamation of old nordic design with classic asian values make them stand out a good bit. Not a whole lot is known about their culture and beliefs but from time to time some travelers will make their way down from the north.

3.8 Points of Interest

Shades Peak - A village lost to the northern forests and overgrowths. It use to be a very pronounced fishing village but has long since been lost to the pagan resistance.

Castle Tith - Once a prestigious castle full of the latest technological advancements it has been reclaimed by nature and now stands as the headquarters of the pagan resistance.

Nebag Ruins - What little remains of the grand mining colony on Nebag. The city and its castle have long been abandoned due to the intense monster activity now threatening the island.

Camp Montis - A military camp initially built to prevent the pagan resistance to assault Harn’s Keep from the water and secure the Bridge Checkpoint. It is now largely used for training military cadets.

Harn’s Keep - This castle overlooks a small village on the western extension of Glayp’nier but is largely disconnected from the rest of the world. It’s rare to see travelers coming from or going to Harn’s Keep and as such the Keep and it’s village has been surrounded in mystery for the past 20 years or so.

Riverside Keep - The keep houses military supplies and reinforcements that occasionally patrol the area between there and the Bridge Checkpoint.

Lakeview Keep - This abandoned keep has been subject to many explorers disappearance. The area around the keep has been largely overtaken by swamps and lakes and thick forests but remain unexplored as of late years.

Groston Slums - The slums between Teyness and Global are quite massive and house a large population of eastern refugees and rejects who couldn’t make a proper living in Global. The slums sustain themselves by leeching off both cities and making due with what they can get their hands on.

Mizu Village - A small settlement of northerners who had come from the harsh north to settle in a warmer climate. Initially they were very recluse and didn’t welcome outsiders but have since tried to keep up a relationship with the rest of the country.

Severin Farms - These large farms to the west of the continent supply goods to the nearby city of Soiyam. However in recent years the pathways through the mountains have been full of bandits and thugs making transportation of goods incredibly dangerous.

Heroes Tavern - This rather extravagant and large Inn is a gathering hub for adventurers and travelers. Anyone from the local drunk to even the occasional Knight can be found telling their stories here. It’s incredible popularity has risen only in the last couple of years and has since then attracted quite a lot of people from all over the world.

Golding Manor - The manor of a wealthy count. It stands proudly amidst an unnaturally dark forest and overlooks a nearby lake.

Drunnbase - The village underneath the drunnberg ruins was built out of necessity when the majority of the original city slid off the mountain in an earthquake.

Drunnberg Ruins - The original city ruins of Drunnberg which was largely claimed in an earthquake.

Vuno Village - A rather unique city that has made its living making wine and ale in the mountains. It is a large supplier of alcoholic drinks across the continent.

Lakeshire - A small close-knit village that is built next to a large lake. It’s population claims to live in the most beautiful village on the whole continent which stands to reason given their large grassy plains and striking hillside.

Dericott Farms - A collection of farms to the west of Leirotuet. It is also where the local supply of ale is made.

Castle Leirotuet - The castle of the duke of Fayanway, located in the eastern part of Leirotuet.

Argentum - A town located north of Silverstein Keep. The island it's a part of, is off the south western coast of Glayp’nier.

Silverstein Keep - The keep was built to keep mining operations safe as the island, appropriately named; Silver, offers a large supply of rare minerals.

Clithrow - A town located at the edge of a forest bordering the mountain range north of Recudor. Rumors of ancient ruins located at the base of the mountain have recently been confirmed, lifting the curtain on new discoveries.

Castle Recudor - The castle of Duke Rappax Lux, located in the western side of Recudor. It oversees the city and is connected by a bridge hanging above the sea.

Castle Vikuur - Northeast of Recudor lays Castle Vikuur, which was recently revealed to be a vampire stronghold. It was abandoned shortly after and left to ruin.

Blackwinters - A small city east of recudor that has seen a great influx of eastern refugees making a living there.

4. The Economy by ★|Sayu
4.1 Resources

The continent enjoys the kind of resources you would expect. Various crops are rather easy to come by and wines and ales are equally easy to make. The natural minerals are largely found on the islands and to the far north of the continent, though mining operations are conducted all over the continent. It’s mountain ranges are harsh but usually surrounded by lush forests consisting of Oak, Pine and Aspen.

4.2 Currency

The common currency used in Glayp'nier is Gold, Silver and Copper in form of small square coins. The currency is accepted all across the continent and its surrounding islands and has been around for as long as people can remember.
A piece of gold is generally valued at 100 Silver pieces, which each are in turn valued at 100 Copper pieces.

4.3 Trade

While trade was initially between the various guilds and cities within the western continent they have started expanding trade routes overseas to the Eastern Continent. Their difference in resources and culture offer a lot of potential for both the east and the west. Currently they are working on a trading alliance that will oversee the workings and trade between the two.

4.4 Guilds

The Trader’s Guild - The aim of the Guild is capital and trade. Containing the majority of Traders, Merchants and Caravans across all of the continent, it is the biggest guild to date spanning thousands upon thousands of members and subdivisions. With only profit in mind, the Trader's Guild tries its best to keep the trade going, even going so far as to send out expeditions to foreign lands and set up trade routes. The Trader's Guild has been the main medium between Ao Diago and Glayp'nier and is developing plans to build a Trader’s Alliance between the two continents. Religious groups are not a concern to the Trader's Guild, as their purpose is simply to work together and sustain a growing economy.

The Farmer’s Guild - The guild manages most, but not all, of the farming done in and around Na’Hog and is responsible for keeping up healthy relationships with the Trader’s Guild. It is their hope to make grand profit while building a more efficient and sustainable economy for the entire continent.

The Thieves Guild - While not officially recognized or sanctioned, the guild works from the shadows to connect the world's underground together. They manage most of the black markets and try to enforce a base-line of rules to maximize everyone’s profits for better or for worse.

The Mages Guild - Spearheaded by various prestigious noble families the Mages Guild aims to improve the efficiency and quality of life in and around the continent. Their goal is to advance magic and find new and inventive applications for it.

The Mercenary Guild - Akin to the original Teyness Colony the Mercenary Guild takes in applicants to work bounties for the militia. Mercenaries working for the guild are divided by colour and rank and are often put into groups to take care of the various needs of villages and cities that require some risk taking.

4.5 Education

The education in Glayp'nier is straightforward but informative. Children learn the common language and maths at an early age. History and social studies are added at a later age, as well as magic studies for those who show an affinity to magic and wish to pursue it.

There are various schools all around the continent, usually more common in the major cities and bigger towns. There are also a couple of schools for training swordsmanship, archery and general combat, as well as many kinds of magics. The most prestigious of such schools can be found in Leirotuet, Global, Teyness and Recudor.

In Leirotuet one can find the Moreau Academy of the Magic Arts and Technology. A school that requires a good bit of money, or a scholarship, as well as passing a rather complicated test to enroll in. At this Academy the students are taught in all kinds of Magic skills and even encouraged to develop new spells and conduct research into improving outdated ones.

In Global you can find the Global Academy. A school that specializes in the teachings of Politics, History, Magic, The Law and Tactics. While there is still a couple of courses on swordsmanship the majority of content at the Global Academy focuses on the nobility and law system.

In Teyness a person can find the Military Academy. This Academy is heavily focused on Combat, Tactics, History and Warfare. Many people attend this school in preparation to join the Military, however there are courses offered for people who simply wish to learn how to defend themselves to become a mercenary.

In Recudor one can find the Traders Guild Academy. This highly specialized facility teaches students all about the mercantile system and trade. Social, Bartering and Logistics are very highly prioritized here and most of the students move on to create businesses and chains of shops all over the continent.

5. The Society by ★|Sayu
5.1 Time & Seasons

Established from old texts and ancient mathematics, like in the old world, there are 24 hours. There is here-say of a 12 AM - 12 PM system, but it has been forsaken due to its inefficiency and confusion of many on the continent. Instead the hours are counted from 0 to 24. And there are 7 days in each week, and 4 weeks in each season. These are all things the people learned from the old civilization and is commonly used due to its efficiency.

As for seasons, it is said that each season has it's own Spirit, which varies from season to season, that guides the people and keeps the land fertile. Some worshiped by different areas and some again even have their own festivals and practices.

There are 12 seasons, practically representing each month of the old system respectively.
The seasons are arranged as followed;
Season of the Nymph
Season of the Lamb
Season of the Firefly
Season of the Trickster
Season of Flowers
Season of Fires
Season of Beauty
Season of the Skilled
Season of the Trees
Season of the Wind
Season of Creation
Season of Ice

The weather is fairly easy to predict, due to how Protraction can be applied to quite literally taste the air. Sometimes the weather is even influenced, so to ensure certain crops will grow, or help them grow faster and bigger. But there are certain rules to the nature of this. Usually the manipulation of the weather will have a repercussion at a later time, or in another area. For example, a certified magician may change the weather to accommodate certain crops, but the following season the weather may be a bit more unpredictable and wild.

Between the many mountains of Glayp'nier and the thick forests, its common to see strong extremes of rain and heatwaves in most parts, especially the northern regions of the continent. It's a very warm place, and Snow is generally rare. It happens from time to time during the last quarter of the year, but generally doesn't last very long.

5.2 Language & Influence of Other Cultures

The “common language” is spoken by most people in the west.
The eastern language has been becoming more prominent in the west as well with the advent of the refugees fleeing to the western continent.
The northern language is quite rare and difficult to learn and therefore not often used.

The surge of eastern refugees fleeing to the west during their war has put a strain on the economy. While the people of Glayp’nier are usually welcoming of easterners, the strain has caused a divide among some of its population as of late.

The northern continent barely has any influence at all aside the occasional metalworking technique and medicine. Since it is so rare for someone from the North to make their way to the western continent there is not a lot to be shared by the two cultures.

6. Useful Information by ★|Sayu
6.1 Discovered Unique Items

Gae Derg
This powerful modern invention is the height of protraction engineering. Built by an unknown source, it's designed to combat any magical threat with ease, from range or up close. The Rifle-shaped partizan has three blades at the top that unfold out of the holding place, with a high caliber barrel located underneath the blades. Excellent for stabbing up close and shooting extremely long distances this weapon is the ultimate tool though its weight can make the wielder very sluggish. Shooting up close is nearly impossible as without proper preparation the weight and force of the shot can shatter unsuspecting wielders. It is magically enhanced to destroy any type of magic upon contact, making it impossible to analyze or affect the weapon in any way.
Collapse Draiochta - Instantly Destroys any magic on contact.

Worn-Out Sonic Boots
These curious leather-boots are fashioned with a metal tip and heel that connect to a base at the bottom of the shoe. While a little heavier than most boots their carefully put together mechanics supposedly allow the wearer to dash across great distances or even enable them to jump higher.
Concitus - Occasionally allows the wearer to boost themselves off any surface for a quick velocity boost or a sudden change in angle. 
Cooldown: 5 turns in and out of combat.

Silver-Lined Pneuma Ring [EVENT]
This delicately designed ring is a wonder of modern protraction and science. Found on the skeletal remains of an unknown magician deep inside a tomb, this ring is said to have the power to summon the spirits of the deceased. While since not proven at the very least this ring seems to be able to create a small gust of wind, just strong enough to knock a person or animal over. The details and mechanics of this curious ancient relic leave many questions to be answerd but professionals say to be sure that the numbers in cow tippings will henceforth increase.
Ventus - The ability to create a small gust of wind that can occasionally knock over smaller to human sized creatures but is ineffective against large or flying creatures and spirits.
Cooldown: 20 turns in and out of combat.

Incubus Amulet
The Incubus Amulet serves one purpose and only one purpose; The capturing and viewing of Spirits and Souls. Usually fashioned for amusement Amulets of this type require a very simple binding. One that is however forbidden as a Soul can only be bound to this amulet with the power of Necromancy. Unlike other Soultraps, the Incubus Amulet lets the owner peer deep within the soul of its trophy, to commune, taunt, or otherwise do as they please. In some cases the Soul inside can use its owner to view the outside world, though only very rarely and under the perfect circumstances can they take control of a new host. A prison in it's own right, these amulets are forbidden by Royal Decree due to their evil nature.
Testimony - Grants the ability to communicate with the soul trapped within the Amulet.

No Entries As of Yet

No Entries As of Yet

Thief's Witt
Many decades ago, these enchanted Lockpicks were designed and produced by Master Locksmith Pierre Blanchett in order to easily help people who locked themselves out of their homes to get back inside, in exchange for a fee. The lockpicks had become incredibly popular, with many copying and reinventing their designs, more often than not for malicious reasons. The biggest problem with these lockpicks has become their fragile nature, as Pierre Blanchett had not shared his secret with anyone before his death. Most common enchanted lockpicks, also referred to as the Thief's Witt, tend to break after no more than a single use.
Aperti - The ability to easily open any normal or enchanted lock. Chance to break after each use.

Energy Radar
Found hidden away in the ventilation of a long lost Castle, this device reacts to the magic around it. Various lights will display on the small screen when the Radar comes within the vicinity of a few select devices that act as a communications relay between themselves, the radar and each other. In its current form it seems to track nearby necromancy, notifying the reader of any undead dangers around them. Currently not many of these devices had been found and the creator and other uses are unknown to date.
Detect - Informs the user of the location of various objects, creatures or people.
Mode: Necromancy - Updates every Turn

Schwarze Schriften
It's not the first time someone had thought up the means of communicating via enchanted books or objects. This particular set of five books, referred to in its commonly used circle as Schwarze Schriften, is designed for communication between the users and a 6th book. Words and Sentences are automatically translated into a special magical code when written into the book, though they are not readable by anyone without the appropriate knowledge or enchantment, unless given directly by the owner of the 6th book. The fine details are unknown, as well as the mysterious 6th book's owner, but if given to the right people these safe methods of communication can often enable the users to act out elaborate schemes and objectives.
Hellsehen - The ability to share thoughts and concepts between each variation of the item.

Aura-Quartz Link
Created by the Moreau Tower these devices allow their users to communicate between one another. The devices are constantly improved for easier access and by this point allow the user to access a mental user interface with which they can control the device and link up communications with any other device. It's no public knowledge how exactly these devices resonate with one another but the very specific and necessary Aura-Quartz Crystal is in constant need for the device to work - presumably with multiple enchantments layered ontop of one another which well justifies their heavy pricing.
Hellsehen - The ability to share thoughts and concepts between each variation of the item.

6.2 Discovered Unique Enemies


Wild Creatures

Dire WolfBeastCanisPredatorForestsLowSpeed+
Snow WolfBeastCanisPredatorMountainsLowResistance+
Savage WolfBeastCanisAggressiveForestsLightStrength+
Giant SnakeBeastReptilePredatorDesertMediumPoison++
Giant FoxBeastCanisProvokedForestsLowSpeed++
Giant RatBeastRodentProvokedCavesLightSickness+
Giant MoleratBeastRodentProvokedCavesLowSickness+
Elemental Beetle    InsectPolyphagaAggressiveAnywhereMediumElement+
Daeva ScarabInsectPolyphagaAggressiveDesertHighTouch of Death
Giant WaspInsectHymenoptera    AggressivePlainsMediumPoison+
Giant SlugInsectMolluskPassiveCavesLightLockdown+


ZombieRevivedThe RisenAggressiveGraveyardsLightStrength++
SkeletonRevivedThe RisenAggressiveCryptsMediumDefense++
Dull ServantBoundThe RisenCommandedUnknownLightDefense+
Agile ServantBoundThe RisenCommandedUnknownLightSpeed+
Savage ServantBoundThe RisenCommandedUnknownLightStrength+
WraithSummoned    SpiritCommandedUnknownMediumPhys. Immunity


Mercenary BruteHumanoidCommonCommandedAnywhereMediumStrength++
Branded CultistHumanoidCommonProvokedUnknownMediumMagic+
Crazed CultistHumanoidCommonAggressiveUnknownMediumMagic+
Pagan AcolyteHumanoidCommonProvokedTithLowBlood+
Pagan DancerHumanoidCommonProvokedTithLightCharm
Pagan WarriorHumanoidCommonProvokedTithLightResistance++
Pagan MysticHumanoidCommonProvokedTithMediumBlood++
Pagan ShamanHumanoidCommonProvokedTithHighBlood+++
Vampire NobleHumanoidVescorStalkerUnknownVery HighMagic++++
Ancient VampireHumanoidVescorProvokedUnknownExtremeTouch of Death
Feral VampireBeastmanVescorHyper Aggressive    UnknownHighThirst+
FairyBeastmanVescorHyper AggressiveUnknownVery High    Shapeshift
DemistrainUnknownVescorManicUnknownVery HighConsumption
Shadow ServantSummonElementalIndependantUnknownHighShapeshift


Dull DollBoundGolemIndependantAnywhereLowDefense+
Agile DollBoundGolemIndependantAnywhereLowSpeed+
Psychic DollBoundGolemIndependantAnywhereMediumTelekenesis+


Obsidian SpiderBeastDemonAggressiveUnknownLightCorpse Burrow
Obsidian HostAnyDemonAggressiveUnknownMediumPetrify

6.2 Discovered Unique NPC

Min-hyun KimArena Attendant
Arena Secretary
Academy Secretary
HumanDisinterested & Business    AliveNeutralInvestigation

Colette LemaireMagician (Summoner)HumanCompetetiveAliveNeutralInformation
Magic Wisdom

Kaavi TreisScientist (Bio Studies)HumanUnfocused & CuriousAlive
Sample Studies

Lyn'ee UnknownSuccubus    Curious & IntelligentAliveCautiousGlamour

Alexander Caldwell    Private DetectiveHumanProfessionalAliveNeutralInformation
Criminal Bounty

Perfroit LemaireAcademy ProfessorHumanEntitledAliveDefiant? ? ?

Jules WintersAcademy Professor(?)    HumanUnknownAliveDefiant? ? ?

SiriusAdventurerZombieLethargic & DistractedCursed    FriendlyCombat Support
Body Disposal

Ser DonnadieuKnight of the Royal OrderHumanUncaringAliveDefiant? ? ?

Lucien DonnadieuAcademy StudentHumanSadisticAliveNeutral? ? ?

Character Application Template by ★|Sayu
Copy the Code below and Paste it into your Application. Make sure to fill out everything to the best of your abilities.

[b][font size="3"]What are your expectations from the game? [/font][/b][i](Ignore this if you're not new.)[/i]

[b][font size="3"]What kind of Character are you looking to play?[/font][/b]

[b][font size="3"]Tell us about your Character.[/font][/b]
Profession (if any):

[b][font size="3"]Talk about your characters personality a little more in-depth. What are they like?[/font][/b]

[b][font size="3"]Decide on 4 positive and negative personality traits. No more or less.[/font][/b]
4 Positive Traits:
4 Negative Traits:

[b][font size="3"]Describe your characters appearance in more detail.[/font][/b]

[b][font size="3"]Describe your characters role in combat and personal preference in fighting style (if any).[/font][/b]

General Outline of your stats:

[font size="3"][b]Give a brief synopsis of your characters origin. This must include any important events that have occurred.[/b][/font]

[b][font size="3"]What kind of gear would you like your Character to start out with?[/b][/font]

[b][font size="3"]Finally; What else, if anything, can you tell us about your Character?[/font][/b]

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